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主题: China discipline warning after Bo Xilai expelled [] |
发表于 2012/9/29 22:37:00
China discipline warning after Bo Xilai expelled 薄熙来开除党籍公职,中国严明法纪 【大家论坛http://club.topsage.com/thread-3015104-1-1.html
China’s official newsagency Xinhua has warned that no-one, no matter what rank, will be immune fromCommunist Party discipline. 中国官方媒体新华社:任何人践踏党纪国法都要受到严厉惩处 在媒体公开薄熙来被开除党籍,面临刑事指控消息后的短短几个小时,新华社就发布了上述报道。
Mr Bo, the ex-Communist Party leader in the city of Chongqing,is accused of abuse of power and corruption. 薄熙来,前任重庆市党委书记,被指控滥用权力和腐败。
His wife was given a suspended death sentence for murdering a UKnational. 他的妻子因谋杀英国籍商人被判处死缓。
In August, Gu Kailai was found guilty of murdering Britishbusinessman Neil Heywood in November 2011. 今年8月,谷开来因涉嫌2011年11月英国商人尼尔·海伍德谋杀案被捕。
The scandal has overshadowed the party congress that willoversee China’s change of leadership, which is expected to see Xi Jinpingreplace Hu Jintao as president. It will begin on 8 November, state media haveannounced. 薄熙来丑闻的发生正值中国政府换届之时,这一事件给党内造成了不良的影响。中国媒体已有报道称,11月8日, 习近平将接替胡锦涛担任主席职位。
Before the scandal broke, 63-year-old Mr Bo had been a primecandidate for a top post. 在丑闻未发生前,63岁的薄熙来曾是党内一高级职务的重要候选人。
Reporting an official statement from a party leaders’ meeting asit announced the decision, the state news agency, Xinhua, said the party mustrecognise the "perennial, complex and arduous nature of theanti-corruption fight". 新华社对党内领导会议结果进行报道,称党必须认清反腐败斗争的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性。
The battle against corruption should be given a more prominent placeon its agenda, Xinhua reports, "leaving no room for corrupt figures tohide within the party". 新华社报道,要把反腐败工作放在更加突出的位置,在党内坚决不允许腐败分子有藏生之地。
The statement urged "party organisations at alllevels" to take heed of the "negative example" of the Bo Xilaicase. 报道强调,全党各级党组织必须以薄熙来事件的反面教材为戒。
The BBC’s Martin Patience, in Beijing, says theBo Xilai announcement ends months of speculation over the fate of a man who wasonce one of China’s most powerful politicians. BBC记者MartinPatience于北京报道,对薄熙来的宣判让几个月来人们对这位中国高官的命运的猜测给出了答案。
Our correspondent says it is clear China’s leaders wanted to tryto end the damaging revelations, with the once-in-a-decade leadership changelooming. 本报记者称,中国领导人希望在换届之际尽快了结这一负面事件。 He says Mr Bo’s career is over and he will almost certainlyspend time in jail. 薄熙来的政治生涯将就此结束,他将在监狱中度过余生。
’Grave repercussions’ “重大影响” Mr Bo has not been seen in public sincemid-March, shortly after the scandal erupted and it was announced he was underinvestigation. He was suspended from his party posts in April. 薄熙来自三月中丑闻爆发以来,就淡出公众视线。称薄被停职调查。
Xinhua said Mr Bo stood accused of corruption, abuse of power,bribe-taking and improper relations with women. 新华社称薄熙来涉嫌腐败、滥用职权、受贿,以及与多名女性发生不正当关系等重大问题
The statement carried by Xinhua said Mr Bo "took advantageof his office to seek profits for others and received huge bribes personallyand through his family". 报道中还表示,薄熙来利用职权为他人谋利,直接和通过家人收受他人巨额贿赂。
It added: "Bo’s behaviour brought serious consequences,badly undermined the reputation of the party and the country, created verynegative impact at home and abroad and significantly damaged the cause of theparty and people." 薄熙来的行为造成了严重后果,极大损害了党和国家声誉,在国内外产生了非常恶劣的影响,给党和人民的事业造成了重大损失。
Xinhua said the violations included Mr Bo’s time as an officialin Dalian and Liaoning provinces, and as minister of commerce. 薄熙来在担任大连市、辽宁省、商务部领导职务期间,严重违反党的纪律。
"Bo had affairs and maintained improper sexualrelationships with a number of women," the statement added. 报道中还称, 薄熙来与与多名女性发生或保持不正当性关系。
Xinhua said Mr Bo had been expelled from the party and the elitedecision-making Politburo and Central Committee as he had "abused hispower, made severe mistakes and bore major responsibility in the Wang Lijunincident and the intentional homicide case of [Gu Kailai]". 新华社报道,因严重违反党的纪律,在王立军事件和谷开来故意杀人案件中滥用职权,决定开除薄熙来党籍,并从中央政治局中除名。
Wang Lijun was Chongqing’s former police chief who was sentencedto 15 years in jail for ’’bending the law, defection, abuse of power andbribetaking" in the Neil Heywood case. 王立军,前重庆市公安局局长,因在尼尔·海伍德案件中涉及徇私枉法、叛逃、滥用职权和受贿,被判处有期徒刑15年。
Timeline: Bo Xilai scandal 薄熙来事件始末
· 6 Feb: Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun flees to the USconsulate in Chengdu · 2月6日:时任重庆公安局局长的王立军出逃美国驻成都总领事馆 · 15 Mar: Bo Xilai is removed from his post in Chongqing · 3月15日:薄熙来被停重庆职务 · 20 Mar: Rumours suggest Mr Bo could be linked to the deathof British businessman Neil Heywood · 3月20日:有消息传薄熙来与尼尔·海伍德案件有牵连 · 10 Apr: Mr Bo is suspended from party posts and his wife,Gu Kailai, is investigated over Mr Heywood’s death · 4月10日,薄熙来被停止党内职务,妻子谷开来接受调查。 · 26 July: Gu Kailai and Bo family employee Zhang Xiaojun arecharged with killing Mr Heywood · 7月26日:谷开来与薄熙来所雇凶手张小军背判处杀人罪 · 9 Aug: Gu one-day trial for murder held · 8月9日:谷开来案开庭 · 20 Aug: Gu given suspended death sentence · 8月20日:谷开来被判处死刑 · 5 Sep: Wang charged with defection, abuse of power andbribe-taking · 9月5日:王立军被判处叛逃、滥用职权以及受贿罪 · 24 Sep: Wang sentenced to 15 years in jail · 9月24日:王立军被判处有期徒刑15年 · 28 Sep: Bo Xilai expelled from party to "facejustice" · 9月28日:薄熙来被开除党籍,面临刑事指控
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