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主题: 特朗普巴黎之行,一篇调侃文章 []

注册:2007/2/5 16:52:00
发表于 2018/11/13 23:05:00
我们想到了特朗普总统,本周末在法国与风雨的搏斗,不止一天,而是长达两天。其他总统做出了牺牲。乔治华盛顿与他的受冻的部队一起在福吉谷扎营。威廉-亨利-哈里森在雨中作了两个小时的就职演说后去世。但与特朗普在巴黎的作战细节相比,这些都不值一谈。星期六,白宫援引“天气造成的后勤困难”,取消了特朗普前往Belleau纪念馆的行程,该纪念馆在一个世纪前有2,000名美国海军陆战队员死亡。下雨了 - 特朗普选择留在美国大使官邸,看电视和发推。第二天,当其他世界领导人沿着香榭丽舍大街步行前往凯旋门以纪念第一次世界大战结束停战一百周年时,特朗普转而驾驶他的车队。这次的原因是:安全。且又一次,下雨了,特朗普在他的装甲豪华轿车里保持干燥。这些都是勇敢的决定,因为他们意味着特朗普必须忍受自己形象的损害:在其他世界领导人都在冒雨造访法国各地的纪念碑,在雨中显示团结时,没有他。他略过战争纪念馆的借口受到了嘲笑,因为墓地只有一个小时的车程(不到白宫宣称的时间的一半),而特朗普此前曾吹嘘说,尽管天气恶劣,他还要吩咐他的飞行员驾驶他去 参加一场竞选集会。但特朗普的行为,与华盛顿在福吉谷的冬天不同,应该以爱国的眼光看待 - 为国家的利益做出无私的牺牲。考虑一下,如果他的头发在没有足够措施保护的情况下被雨水弄乱,美国会遭受国际耻辱。或者,如果阵风将他的鬃毛鞭打成一个橙色龙卷风,旋转在稀疏的白色头皮上方,再被水浸泡可能是灾难性的。 (这就解释了为什么他派他的秃头幕僚长John F. Kelly代替他。)因此,特朗普为了弥补Belleau Wood和香榭丽舍大街的损失,在喷上了发胶后,他来到了Suresnes美国公墓。这种精明的战略思想一直是特朗普自纽约军事学院高中以来的标志,在那里他获得了“军事上的更多训练”,而不是许多人参加实际的军事训练。骨刺病让他远离越南,但是他说约会时避免性病就像“我的个人越南”(寓意越南是个很危险的地方,而我与女人约会,因为性病传染的危险,与越南的危险性差不多。所以说这是我的个人越南),并且他在这个事业中是“一个伟大而勇敢的士兵”。有人说特朗普不知道牺牲的意义,特别是当他在约翰-麦凯恩死后,以其“不是战争英雄”而拒绝降半旗后。但正如特朗普亲自告诉一位金星奖章获得者的家人一样,“我做出了很多牺牲。”巴黎之行突显了特朗普自我牺牲的力量,此前他放弃了他命令向自己致敬的1亿美元的阅兵式。 And we think of President Trump, battling rain for not one but two days in France this weekend.Other presidents had made sacrifices. George Washington camped with his frozen troops in Valley Forge. William Henry Harrison died after a two-hour inaugural address in the rain.But these were as nothing compared with the elements Trump battled in Paris.On Saturday, the White House, citing “logistical difficulties caused by the weather,” canceled Trump’s trip to a memorial at Belleau, where 2,000 U.S. Marines died a century ago. It was raining — and Trump opted to remain at the U.S. ambassador’s residence, watching TV and tweeting.The next day, when other world leaders marched down the Champs-Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe for the centenary of the Armistice ending World War I, Trump instead took his motorcade. The reason this time: security. Once again, it was raining, and Trump stayed dry in his armored limousine.These were brave decisions, because they meant Trump would have to endure the hurtful images of other world leaders visiting other memorials around France despite the rain, then marching in soggy solidarity without him. His excuses for skipping the war memorial earned ridicule because the cemetery was just an hour’s drive (less than half the time the White House claimed) and Trump had previously boasted about ordering his pilots to fly him despite bad weather — to a campaign rally.But Trump’s behavior, not unlike Washington’s winter at Valley Forge, should be seen in a patriotic light — a selfless sacrifice for the good of the country. Consider the international disgrace the United States would have suffered if his hair were to have become matted by rain without adequate measures to protect it. Or if wind gusts had whipped his mane into an orange tornado swirling above a sparse white scalp. A soaking could have been calamitous. (This explains why he sent his bald chief of staff, John F. Kelly, in his place.) Trump, therefore, absorbed the losses at Belleau Wood and on the Champs-Elysees to prevail later, at Suresnes American Cemetery, after receiving hair spray reinforcements.Such shrewd strategic thinking has been Trump’s hallmark since high school at New York Military Academy, where he received “more training militarily” than many get in the actual military. Bone spurs sadly kept him from Vietnam, but he said that avoiding STDs was “my personal Vietnam” and that he was “a great and very brave soldier” in this cause.Some say Trump doesn’t know the meaning of sacrifice, particularly because he resisted lowering flags after the death of John “Not a War Hero” McCain. But as Trump himself told one Gold Star family, “I’ve made a lot of sacrifices.” And the Paris voyage highlighted Trump’s powers of self-abnegation, coming after he abandoned a $100-million military parade he ordered to honor himself.

发贴者的其它发贴: 上一篇: 美欧裂痕:马克龙暗批特朗普民族主义 下一篇: 特朗普推特机译校对摘录



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