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CANBERRA (Reuters) - About 550 Australian combat troops in Iraq should be withdrawn by about the middle of next year, Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd said on Friday, setting a broad timetable for the soldiers to return home.
Australia has about 1,500 troops in and around Iraq, but Rudd won power at the Australia’s national election on November 24 with a promise to bring frontline forces home.
"The combat force in Iraq we would have home by around the middle of next year," Rudd told Australian radio.
Rudd promised a gradual withdrawal of the troops, but had been coy about setting a timetable for their return to Australia. The troops are based mainly in Iraq’s more peaceful south, where they help maintain security and train Iraqi forces.
Australia, a close ally of the United States, was one of the first countries to commit troops to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, and Australia’s former conservative government had been a strong supporter of the U.S. mission in Iraq.
U.S. President George W. Bush phoned Rudd last weekend to congratulate him on his election victory, but Rudd refused to comment on the detail or say whether they talked about Iraq.
Rudd will officially take office in Australia when he is sworn in on Monday. He said his government would start discussions with the United States on the withdrawal soon after.
"We’ll have a meeting with the United States ambassador before too long to set up the appropriate processes for discussing that through," he said.
Rudd had also said Australian forces might continue to train Iraqi forces, but in a third country and not in Iraq.
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提交时间:2007/11/30 9:45:00



堪培拉(路透社)550多澳大利亚驻伊拉克战斗部队明年将撤军,澳大利亚总理elect Kevin Rudd星期我表示,为士兵制定了一份大概的返程回国时间表。 澳大利亚在伊拉克及其周边地区驻派了大约1500军队,但是Rudd在11月24日带着送一线士兵回家的承诺在澳大利亚全国大选中获胜。 “伊拉克的战斗部队明年中旬左右就将被安顿妥当,”Rudd向澳大利亚广播宣布。 Rudd承诺将有步骤地撤走军队,但是当被问起送士兵回国的具体时间表的时候,Rudd显得有些吞吞吐吐。驻伊军队主要设于伊拉克比较和平的南部,在那里帮助保卫安全和训练伊拉克的军队。 澳大利亚,美国的亲密联军,是那些率先同意美国入侵伊拉克的国家之一,澳大利亚前一界保守政府也是美国进军伊拉克的强烈支持者。 美国总统布什上周打电话给Rudd祝贺他大选成功,但是Rudd拒绝透露电话的具体内容,和是否讨论关于伊拉克的问题。 当星期一在澳大利亚完成就职宣誓,Rudd将正式就职。Rudd说他的政府将在此之后立即与美国开始讨论关于撤军的问题。 “短期内,我们将与美国大使召开一次会议为讨论实施撤军过程作好准备,”他说。 Rudd还表示澳大利亚军队还可能继续训练伊拉克军队,但是不在伊拉克境内,可能在其他国家。





2007/11/30 13:19:00

